Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Audio Design progress report

Last weeks class for audio was pretty good because we were able to play with some of the equipment we would use for creating our sounds. Although I did yawn infront of Ben it was because Friday night get a bit tiring. During that class there was more information that was given about sound and how it works, I normally love sound in video games but to be honest its hard to get excited about the technical side.

3D Design progress

In last weeks class I worked pretty effectively on my character and weapon models. I completed the UVW mapping for my rifle and most of the UVW mapping for my character. The hardest part about this process will definitely be the unwrapping for the UVWs because just putting it all together will require a lot of work.

Visual Design progress

Last week I attempted to complete my anamatic although came out unsuccessful. During the class I had trouble trying to create the first scene for the anamatic, however once I had finished it became very easy in creating the rest but I was too late by then. I would like to post some work but I cannot because I have yet to finish it.

Monday, August 20, 2007

3D progress

During the 3D class on Friday the 17th I finished my sniper rifle however it took longer than it should have....3 hrs too long. The main reason for this was my recent shoulder and neck pains I have been experiencing throughout these 4-5 days which has hampered my progress on some of my work.
Here is a picture of the rifle I created in span of an entire class :(

As you can see its pretty simple and very low poly.

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

audio progress

Last week we did more audio editing using Cubase but I always have trouble concentrating in this class and I have no idea why. Perhaps its the room or something else I have no idea. I forgot my headphones which was very crucial in actually doing any type of work so I am partially at fault.

progress report

I have recently done more on my machinima model, mostly on the actual utility belt and the rifle for the character. I almost forgot I also created a foot which isn't the best foot I have made.

Saturday, August 4, 2007

moving along quiet nicely

during the week I worked on my machinima character in 3D design and I feel that I accomplished quiet a significant amount of work however I still believe I could have done more in less amount of time. Here is a render of its current progress (NOTE: this is a wip and will not represent the final product).
During my visual and audio design classes I practiced with adobe after effects , and I did some audio mixing in Cubase. However in my audio design class I was extremely exhausted and had trouble paying attention, my eyes were burning which was causing me to look away from the computer.