Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Visual Design progress report

These classes were more or so the same as 3d class because I spent the entity of the class working on my animations and models. There is not much else to add that I haven't already in 3D blog.

Audio class progress

During the last few classes I did little on my audio department mainly because I was too focuses on the other parts of my project, and that I forgot to bring my anamatic to the class every time. However I have been gathering sounds for my machinima such as ambient sounds, i.e. thunderstorms, wild ocean sounds, rain and so forth. I have also gathered some rifle and pistol sounds. I would upload these but unfortunately I can't upload sound files.

Machinima Script

This may have taken me quiet some time, I have intended on posting this for some time now but only to forget 2 minutes later. So here it is...my script.
Machinima Script:

Character 1: Owen, Character 2: Shawn
Scene 1:
Cut 1:
Running footsteps and heavy breathing of Owen.
Heavy rain with sounds of wind blowing, with sounds of freighters and ship horns.
No dialog in this scene.
Cut 2:
More heavy breathing + rain sounds and footsteps.
Ambient sounds of ships and freighters docking.
No dialog.
Cut 3:
Rain sounds and sounds of ships/freighters.
No dialog.
Cut 4:
Music starts.
Footsteps of Shawn on metal material.
Shawn nears the middle of a platform and sets up his sniper rifle.
No dialog.
Cut 5:
Calm controlled breathing by Shawn as he targets his prey in the scope.
Music stops.
Shawn: “steady….”
Cut 6:
Black screen with the words “2 years ago in the Arizona Desert”
No sound
Cut 7:
Ambient sounds of a desert in Arizona.
Cut 8:
You hear very light footsteps of another person.
The man is Owen.
He pulls out a pistol and shoots Shawn in the leg.
Shawn: “(pain)”
Cut 9, 10, 11, 12:
Owen: “Hello Shawn….”
Shawn: “Don’t do this Owen, it’s not wor….”
Owen: “SHUT UP!! I’m the one with the gun.”
Shawn: “Look whatever you think I did, it was not me.”

Owen: “Whatever I think!? I KNOW! What you did…”
Shawn: “…..”
Owen: “Yeah you know what I am talking about.”
Shawn: “Please it wasn’t me…I was setup, you have to believe me!”
Owen: “I don’t care! Because as far as I know you did it.”
Owen: “Good bye Shawn…”
Shawn: “NO! Come on….agghhh…you don’t have to do this...”
Owen shoots Shawn in the stomach.
Cut 13:
No Sound
Black screen with words saying “Present day at the Docks”
Cut 14:
Music starts.
Shawn is has his finger on the trigger.
There is heavy breathing.
Shawn pulls the trigger and you hear a silenced rifle sound.
Cut 15:
Owen falls from the gun shot wound.
Cut 16, 17, 19:
Owen: “hhhh….mmmphhh…”
Shawn: “You know Owen its funny how things pan out”
Owen: “You find this funny?”
Shawn: “I find it funny that I was in exactly the same situation as you are now…”
Owen: “It was your fault Shawn!”
Shawn: “My fault? MY FAULT!!?
Shawn: “YOU killed my family, YOU tried to kill me…I do not see how this puts me at fault.”
Owen: “Shawn please I did not know…I…I…thought…arghhh….please Shawn don’t do this.”
Shawn: “Fuck you! I’ll see you in hell!”
Owen: “Noo! Please…oh God! Noooooooo!!”
- Shawn shoots Owen in the head.

please feel free to flame this very, very poor script.

3D design class progress

I have been very lazy lately in posting on my progress however that is not to say I have also been lazy in doing the actual work. During the past 3D classes plus at home I created 6 animations that were a requirement. Although I have several more to go.

Machinima Levels

These series of images are from my 2 levels in my machinima. The first 2 is what my first level will be like in UT while the 3rd image will be my second level thats already inside UT. The worst thing about UT is that the simplest task that makes the most logical sense is actually beyond all logic. Bear in mind the second level has lights but its too dark at the moment.
Disregard the awesome lighting in this and the next shot, I used ray tracing for these shots. It will not look this good in UT. I just thought it will look cool.
This shot is from inside the Unreal Editor, its nothing that special, although it doesn't need to be. You will notice the backgrounds are very dark, thats because its at night.

Sunday, October 7, 2007


This is my anamatic which was ok but I handed it in late, I didn't want to hand it in unfinished.

enjoy :)

3D stuff

During the holidays I did texture of my weapons and characters and I also modeled some of one of my levels. I have finished the texture for my pistol and the texture for one of my other characters. ok during this part all I did was create 5 or 6 containers slapped different textures on them and just rearranged them.
I will admit that this character is almost identical to my other one but they both are supposed to wear the same suit, its just this guy wants his eyes showing.
This is the completed rifle that I have been working on, it doesn't look the greatest but thats because I am a beginner at texturing.
Another simple weapon model except this one has an ok texture on it, mainly because I modeled it off of the image that texture was take from.

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Audio class

The last class was more voice acting which I did for several of the guys in my class, however I still do not like voice.
We had also received my sound recordings for my machinima but every-time I hear it, I just feel that I should do it again. I guess the biggest critic is yourself.

3D design class progress

Alright this class was really cool because I got my character into UT2004 and he looks awesome, however he still looks like Frozone from The Incredibles. Now that might seem cool but it is not what I intend for my character. I am confident this is due to the fact that the skinning I did on my character was a rush job because it needed to work first.
I do not have any images of it in-game to show unfortunately because I forgot to bring home the screen cap of my character, however it works and I will be trying to finish all my texturing, modeling, rigging and possibly animations this 2 week break.

Visual Design progress report

In the last class before our 2 week break, Ben asked each half of the class to create a machinima using UT2004. This task was extremely fun but also it was very difficult because we just weren't given enough resources to create what we wanted. Unreal may be a great engine to some but to me it is very frustrating and limited, mainly because it requires so much to do a simple task.

Now I do not have any of the footage we shot to show in this post because it was very big and with a lack of time, however it was a very fun task and was enjoyable.

Yes I have been away for a while...

Ok now before you bring in a megaphone and create an earth-quake let me explain why this blog has been so lonely lately.
1, I have been constantly trying to finish my flash platform game which luckily for me has been crashing constantly.
2, It's holidays now and yeah you know.
3, Sometimes there are factors in your life that become somewhat distracting; i.e family.

Ok now that I got that over and done with I shall start posting my progress after this post....stay tuned! :D

Sunday, September 9, 2007

Visual Design progress

Last class we did some more unreal scene manager work, although it was short. After this we worked more on parts of our machinima. I worked on my character texture throughout the class. If you want to see the work I produced see my post below.
I have also finally finished my anamatic which has been weighing on my shoulders for quite some time.

3D design progress

My last class was texture painting which I particular did not enjoy because I am not quite so good at it. This is basically what I have been able to create.
NOTE: the below image is rendered using Max lighting and does not represent actual look of character in UT2004.

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Visual Design progress

Last weeks class was another interesting session because we started to use unreal scene manager which was great fun. I instantly thought of all these great things I can create with it but I am very confident that it will be met with countless problems which most people faced in the class that day. After that however we were given time to work on our machinima projects and I chose to do some work on my character.

Audio Design progress

Ok last class for audio design was a very entertaining one because we were able to use the sound studio to create some voice overs for our machinima characters, although I never got the time to create any for my characters I did however lend my voice to James Buckingham. I played an evil person who wanted to take a thrown for a kingdom I was having trouble pronouncing. It was a very funny day because it is very nerve racking and funny at the same time. After hearing your own voice being played back is somewhat embarrassing I thought because it did not sound very convincing.

3D Design progress

Ok in this class I did a hefty amount of work on my UVWs, in fact I did so much that when 3Ds Max showed its ugly side that I could not save any progress of my UVWs of which I found out the hard way. I almost felt that it was deemed necessary to throw the computer out the window to its timely death. However Christian was generous enough to let me complete it at home and send it to him via email of which I really appreciated. The process of creating UVWs is very tedious and abysmal but it is the only way to create them. here are some images of my progress so far:

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Audio Design progress report

Last weeks class for audio was pretty good because we were able to play with some of the equipment we would use for creating our sounds. Although I did yawn infront of Ben it was because Friday night get a bit tiring. During that class there was more information that was given about sound and how it works, I normally love sound in video games but to be honest its hard to get excited about the technical side.

3D Design progress

In last weeks class I worked pretty effectively on my character and weapon models. I completed the UVW mapping for my rifle and most of the UVW mapping for my character. The hardest part about this process will definitely be the unwrapping for the UVWs because just putting it all together will require a lot of work.

Visual Design progress

Last week I attempted to complete my anamatic although came out unsuccessful. During the class I had trouble trying to create the first scene for the anamatic, however once I had finished it became very easy in creating the rest but I was too late by then. I would like to post some work but I cannot because I have yet to finish it.

Monday, August 20, 2007

3D progress

During the 3D class on Friday the 17th I finished my sniper rifle however it took longer than it should have....3 hrs too long. The main reason for this was my recent shoulder and neck pains I have been experiencing throughout these 4-5 days which has hampered my progress on some of my work.
Here is a picture of the rifle I created in span of an entire class :(

As you can see its pretty simple and very low poly.

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

audio progress

Last week we did more audio editing using Cubase but I always have trouble concentrating in this class and I have no idea why. Perhaps its the room or something else I have no idea. I forgot my headphones which was very crucial in actually doing any type of work so I am partially at fault.

progress report

I have recently done more on my machinima model, mostly on the actual utility belt and the rifle for the character. I almost forgot I also created a foot which isn't the best foot I have made.

Saturday, August 4, 2007

moving along quiet nicely

during the week I worked on my machinima character in 3D design and I feel that I accomplished quiet a significant amount of work however I still believe I could have done more in less amount of time. Here is a render of its current progress (NOTE: this is a wip and will not represent the final product).
During my visual and audio design classes I practiced with adobe after effects , and I did some audio mixing in Cubase. However in my audio design class I was extremely exhausted and had trouble paying attention, my eyes were burning which was causing me to look away from the computer.

Monday, July 30, 2007

project story & description

The machinima will begin with a man running away from something at the docks during a stormy night, a man in a black costume that is more suited for special forces units walks along a platform with a sniper in his hands. The man sets up his sniper pointing down and gets into position.

His finger reaches for the trigger and looks down his scope to see his prey run frantically. A flashback occurs 2 years in the past in the Nevada desert where the same man is sniping down from a cliff face to an unknown location, but this time he is the one who is being hunted.

The same man from the docks that was running appears behind the sniper and shoots him in the leg. The sniper turns around in pain and tries to make out the figure and realizes who has shot him.

Both men exchange words and ends with sniper being shot in the other leg, the mysterious man decides to spare his life. Present day: at the docks: the sniper focuses back on his prey and fires a single shot into the other man's leg, this causes the man to frantically limp in between 2 crates where he lies down to take a breath.

In no time the sniper is face to face with his enemy. The sniper pulls out a pistol and points it at his face and both men exchange more words. The sniper returns the favor by shooting his other leg and explains his reason for why he is doing this. The sniper ends by putting a bullet between his eye.

The story is about two men who want to take revenge for their families killings, however they believe each one killed each other's families which leads to a conflict that lasts 2 years.